A Little Trick To Read More Books

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"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more
that you learn, the more places you’ll go"
                                                               - Dr. Suess

Earlier this week one of my most creative pals revealed to me how she conquered a recent artistic slump. How'd she do it you ask?

10 pages a day.
That's it.

"I used my busy life as an excuse to stop reading," she told me "but I never felt more creatively alive than when I was racing through books. Reading is fuel for the imagination. It makes me feel smarter. More interesting. It gets me out of slumps!"

And while 10 pages a day doesn't seem like much, it is 70 pages a week. And 70 pages a week is one (short) book a month and 12 in a year.

But here's the best part. Often when you set out to read only 10 pages, you end up reading more. So those 12 books just became 15. Or 20. Or more.

No matter if we're tired, grumpy, stressed-out or in a major need of a Netflix binge, we can make time for 10 pages a day.

For those of you who want to push it, consider this: Warren Buffett read 6 hours a day. Elon Musk brags 10 hours. But for the rest of us? 10 pages between dinner with friends and 3 hours of Netflix is probably just right.

A little holiday pick-me-up

Mary Katherine Backstrom was leaving a store when she saw a kind-hearted man cleaning her windshield. Or at least that's what she thought. Whether or not you believe in the "magic of the holiday spirit" watch the video below. Seriously. We bet it will be the funniest thing you've seen in all of 2019!

Watch short video


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