A Good Attitude Can Go A Long Way


“Life keeps throwing me stones.
And I keep finding the diamonds.”
                                            ―Ana Claudia Antunes

You can't always choose your circumstances, but you can always choose to focus on the positive. That's what the residents of Newfoundland have taught us over the past week, as they've been devastated by record-breaking snow. But it takes more than a little bad weather to dampen the wit and optimism of our hearty east-coasters.

Here are just a few examples of the endearing Newfoundland spirit:

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A resident faces the cold with a flag to show us the strength of the wind and the strength of the Canadian spirit!

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There's no doubt that this is a serious situation and our thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected. But the positive vibes coming out of this storm is an inspiration to our entire country – a reminder that laughter still works, even when you're down. 

One last thought that sums it up perfectly:

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On Feelings of Incompetence


Manifesting Positivity